in the end it would be nicer to have an Arc library that wraps the underlying gui racket library in the spirit of Arc. Arc is much simpler than scheme code. I does not like complicated syntax. I also does not like OO and classes of racket. It is the wrong way. Hashtable like in Javascript and writing your own OO-like library is much more flexible.
You should build it :) Doesn't have to be complete at the start, just use it for a certain program and try to think of a cleaner way to express what you build. Then come ask us for help.
Thank you very much. I assume that I could use another syntax for [...] like in Arc. But I did not find it. So often it is better to ask people you has better scheme background. I am not grown up with Lisp stuff.
Arc3.1 and Anarki are built on the outdated mzscheme language. But you might be able to use Pauan's Arc/Nu: We'd love to hear your experiences if you try it out.
Feel free to rename ac-scheme to $ or % if you think you'll use it often enough.
If you start using this you'll start finding the need for some of the other functions in that link, which transform data back and forth to the way racket or arc likes it. Come back and ask us more questions when you run into errors like this:
I would just like to point out that Arc/Nu is fully compatible with Arc 3.1, and it doesn't need conversions between Racket and Arc, so it's the easiest way to deal with Racket in Arc programs.